Our story

Greenmetrix – shaping tomorrow with purpose

Imagine a world where cities are not just concrete jungles but living organisms that breathe and evolve with us. Houses, roads, utility buildings, parking lots, playgrounds, and bus stops are designed to meet human needs and possibilities. They are not only safe and comfortable to use but also built to last for future generations. We like to think that one day we will live in such a world.

Our story
Our story
We are a compass in the real estate sector

We guide builders, developers, owners, and investors through the life cycle of a building. We start from the beginning—considering the location and accessibility of the building, its impact on the environment and human mobility, and then move on to assess various aspects such as resource use, material selection, and indoor climate. We help create not just pleasant office and living spaces, but environments whose value endures even after the tenant or resident has moved on.

We help adapt and create value in a world of changing regulations

We help with keeping pace with taxonomy, green certificates, and funder requirements. Achieving a sustainable project or building title requires careful planning and smart investment decisions.

As the environment and rules change, success will follow those who anticipate change, not those who react at the last minute. Our goal is not only to advise but to inspire you to take steps that lead us all toward a more sustainable future.

Our story
Our story
Together, we can shape a stronger and brighter future

Passion, experience, and expertise are the keys to not only enhancing the value of a building but also to shaping a better tomorrow for our planet.

Our team

Kairi Nõulik
Kairi Nõulik

Founder and CEO

Kairi’s strength lies in finding smart solutions for even the most unconventional projects that meet the goals of building owners while remaining compliant with increasingly stringent regulations.

kairi@greenmetrix.eu | +372 5880 2114

Our story
Our story
Marko Kull


Marko’s long-term experience as a real estate investor helps us maintain the client’s perspective and shape our services in a way that provides everyone with real value.

mk@millerhawk.com | +372 524 5665

Our story
Semjon Alonov

Sustainability consultant

You can fully trust Semjon with project management—his dedication, in-depth knowledge, and open communication style ensure the smooth progress of the project.

semjon@greenmetrix.eu | +372 5297 773

Our story
Our story
Kadri-Ann Kertsmik


Kadri-Ann’s broad-based perspective on the built environment, supported by her academic background and practical experience, contributes to the creation of sustainable buildings.


Greenmetrix OÜ

Maakri 30, 10145 Tallinn
+372 5880 2114
Päring ENG